Search Results for: tarot

Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Your Business
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Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Your Business

I love digging in deep to tarot and its meanings, reading intuitively, and other topics – all coming back to manifesting business and financial success. The 2 of Cups is no exception: this Minor Arcana card is all about successful partnerships. As someone who has built many successful (and many more unsuccessful) business partnerships, this…

How to Charge and Cleanse Your Tarot Cards: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

How to Charge and Cleanse Your Tarot Cards: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

TL;DR: Cleansing and charging your Tarot cards through methods like sage, moonlight, crystals, affirmations, and sunlight, help maintain their accuracy and potency. Regular care, defined by intentionality during cleansing and awareness of factors that may drain or negatively influence the cards’ energy, ensures these divination tools remain effective for Tarot readings. Are your Tarot readings…

Emperor Tarot Card Meaning: What It Means for Your Business

Emperor Tarot Card Meaning: What It Means for Your Business

The Emperor tarot card signifies a demand of respect and authority. It means you are in charge of your life, and you must set boundaries to protect your energy while leveling up. I’ve never really felt connected to male gendered cards, especially when they’re old white men. However, aligned with the astrological sign Aries, and…

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of intellectual independence, clear perception, and direct communication. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning She is emotionally mature, incredibly perceptive, and not afraid to speak her truth. The Queen of Swords often encourages you to think critically, communicate your ideas clearly, and make decisions based on your understanding…