Being a full moon, the Snow Moon is a powerful time for manifestation.
Take advantage of this powerful manifestation period by setting intentions, focusing on your goals, and taking action.
There are many ways to use this moon energy to help your business ventures. Along with the help of your favorite tarot deck, use this powerful Snow Moon to manifest your business success.
Increased Revenue
Visualize and aim for higher earnings and profitability.
This full moon is during the first quarter of the year, which is an excellent time to propel your new ideas forward.
Tarot Card
The Ten of Pentacles (Symbolizing wealth, security, and long-term success)
Meditate with the Ten of Pentacles, visualizing the abundance flowing into your business. Use this image as a screen saver or place it near your workspace to constantly remind you of your financial goals.
Action: Print out your revenue sources and amounts from Q1 last year. Compare them to what you've earned so far this year, and map out a plan to increase that number by at least 25% by the end of the quarter.
New Clients or Customers
Manifest attracting new and loyal clients. The keyword here being “loyal” – we don't want fly by the night clients; we want those who will stick with us long term, right? When manifesting for new clients, be specific. Who is it you want to help?
Tarot Card
The Star (Symbolizing hope, inspiration, and guidance towards goals)
Action: Create a vision board that represents your ideal clients. Include images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with the qualities of clients you wish to attract. I have my vision board as my desktop background and screen saver!
Improved Brand Recognition
Work towards making your brand more known and respected in the market. Don't worry about your perceived competition; focus on what you want to be known for. What are your colors? What's your brand's vibe? What message are you trying to convey?
Remember, we only have a second to get someone's attention online. Brand recognition can give people pause, and it gives you a few more seconds to hook them in!
Tarot Card
The Chariot (Symbolizing victory, assertion, and control)
Action: Create a branding mantra or affirmation that embodies your desired recognition and repeat it during the Snow Full Moon. Envision your brand moving forward and becoming recognizable to your target audience.
Efficient Workflows
Manifest more streamlined and effective business processes. This takes a lot of work, so don't think you're going to just jot it down and it's going to magically happen – but it's a crucial piece of the business success puzzle.
Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and workflows for every task that you'll do more than once in your business. This makes you more productive but also paves the way for easily hiring a team later on down the road. Onboarding new staff can be tedious and daunting. Having your SOPs and workflows in place makes it a much smoother process.
Tarot Card
Eight of Pentacles (Symbolizing dedication, mastery, and skill development)
Action: Dedicate time to reviewing and refining one key workflow or SOP. Focus on the areas that will most improve efficiency and productivity.
Market Leadership
Aspire to become a leader or an authority in your industry. Topical authority is so important as a blogger, and that extends to other businesses as well. If you aren't known for one thing, your message is diluted.
“Who is Sadie? What does she do?”
“Oh, um well, she's really cool… she talks about blogging but also talks about tarot and then she talks about thyroid cancer and she has a blog about living in Mexico, and she loves to feed people – and dogs – and and and…”
is way less powerful than
“Sadie is a 6-figure blog strategist. I worked with her to build my blog and her path really helped me in a step by step way to six figures.”
This is one of those situations where I say “do as I say, not as I do” – I've been teaching online for nearly 2 decades and have been known for many things over the years, but blogging has always been the common denominator.
I've leaned more into it over the past few years – but I still have ADHD and still do other things. The key is to be known for ONE thing as much as possible, so your message is more powerful and you attract the right people into your circle.
Tarot Card
The Emperor (Symbolizing authority, structure, and control over one's domain)
Action: Write a blog post or create content that showcases your expertise in your niche. Use this as a platform to assert your authority and unique perspective.

Product or Service Quality Improvement
Focus on enhancing the quality of your offerings. Have you been on autopilot for a while? Are your products and services in need of a fresh, new update?
Perhaps you have an amazing course that everyone loves, but you haven't updated it for 2 years. While passive income is amazing, you don't want your products to get stale.
What about your services? Can you switch them up a bit, improve them in some way? Even if you're only improving by 1% every day, that's a huge improvement over the course of a year.
Tarot Card
The Sun (Symbolizing success, vitality, and enlightenment)
Action: Review feedback on your offers and choose one aspect to improve. Implement changes under the full moon, envisioning your products/services shining brightly and attracting happy customers.
Debt Clearance
Manifest strategies and opportunities to reduce or eliminate business (and personal!) debts. Now is a great time to create a plan for paying off all of your debt by the end of the year. Or, if you went to college, maybe by the end of the decade… but still. 😉
Paying off debt is the perfect way to clear your space and unlock even more creativity. Debt weighs us down, and until we are free from that burden, we are unable to step into being 110% our authentic, creative selves.
Tarot Card
The Wheel of Fortune (Symbolizing cycles, change, and new opportunities)
Action: Create a debt repayment plan that feels manageable and empowering. Start with the smallest debt and visualize the Wheel turning in your favor as each debt is cleared.
Resilience and Adaptability
Strengthen your business's ability to adapt to changes and overcome challenges. I call this being ready, willing, and able to PIVOT when need be. I've had to pivot many times in my business, and every time it was a choice to move in a certain direction that turned out being a GOOD thing.
Sometimes we pivot and it doesn't feel aligned. If that's the case, be ready to pivot back – or pivot again, to another area. We are not trees, we are not in quicksand; we can get up and move any way we need to to ensure our business success.
Tarot Card
The Fool (Symbolizing new beginnings, optimism, and faith in the journey)
Action: Reflect on a past pivot that led to growth. Write down lessons learned and how they've prepared you for future shifts, symbolizing readiness for new leaps of faith.
Social Impact and Responsibility
Aim for your business to make a positive impact on society and the environment.
With my main business, Passive Income Pathways (PIPs), we feed as many families as we can locally here in Mexico each week. We've adopted about 15 street dogs (unofficially, they all still roam, but know they can come here for food and shelter – and we spay/neuter and vaccinate them). Our business feeds over 100 people in a small village in India, where our business partner's wife is from.
The entire foundation of PIPs is to serve your heart audience and to make enough money to be radically generous.
Tarot Card
Justice (Symbolizing fairness, balance, and ethical action)
Action: Identify a cause aligned with your business values and plan a small initiative that contributes positively. It could be a donation, volunteering time, or an awareness campaign.
Personal Development as a Leader:
Focus on your growth in leadership skills, decision-making, and vision. Whether you're a lone wolf or leading a team of 25, your personal development as a business owner is one of the most important investments you can make. Not just for the sake of your business, but for your personal benefit as well.
One thing I invested time in over the past year or so is learning about emotional intelligence and how to react better to any given situation. This has helped me be a better mother, wife, business owner, and boss.
Tarot Card
The High Priestess (Symbolizing intuition, knowledge, and understanding)
Action: Commit to a daily practice that enhances your leadership qualities, such as meditation, reading on leadership theories, or journaling for self-reflection and intuitive development.
Strategic Planning and Visioning
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Are you wishing and dreaming, or are you setting goals and executing?
As a blog strategist and mentor, I often see people say “I want to…” but then they never DO THE THING. Are you doing the thing in your business, or are you just sitting around talking about it, reading about it, and watching others be successful? Now is a great time to get moving!!
Tarot Card
The Two of Wands (Symbolizing planning, future vision, and progress)
Action: Under the Snow Full Moon, take some quiet time to envision the future of your business. Where do you want to be in one year? Five years? Use the Two of Wands as a focal point for this meditation, letting it inspire expansive thinking and bold ambitions. Afterward, draft a strategic plan that outlines the steps needed to move from your current state to your envisioned future. This plan should include both broad goals and specific actions, with milestones to guide your progress.
The Two of Wands encourages you to look beyond the immediate, to forge a path forward that is both ambitious and actionable. By aligning this strategic visioning with the Snow Full Moon, you tap into a powerful time for setting intentions and manifesting future success in your business and financial endeavors.
How To Manifest During the Snow Full Moon
Knowing what to manifest is just one part of the process. Once you've figured out what you're going to harness the Moon's energy for, how do you put that into practice? Everyone's practice will look a little different, but here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Journaling: Use the questions from the sections right here in this article to help you brainstorm and get a clear focus on your business manifestation goals.
- Vision Boards: If writing isn't quite your speed, make a collage! Put all of your visual inspiration in one place to be able to reflect and meditate on throughout your manifestation process.
- Affirmations: Create some affirmations reflecting your manifestation goals. Recite them on the full moon and create a habit of revisiting them daily.
- Crystals: Keep crystals related to your manifestations present in your workplace. If you're manifesting clarity and focus, tiger's eye is a wonderful companion! For business-related success, look into citrine! If a certain crystal stands out to you, trust your intuition and do some research. It may be a guide for what your manifestation focus needs to be at this time.
- Tarot: Do a daily draw or spread related to your manifestation goal. The cards can provide symbolism and direction for the specifics of your manifestation practices. If you're uncertain which goal should take priority, tarot can help with that, too!
It's important to be motivated and confident with your manifestations. Just wishing your goals into existence isn't enough. You have to be willing to put in the work. Along with manifesting, be consistent with your business practices to help you stay aligned on your path.
Before You Go: