Learning the meaning of the Page of Swords is a journey in learning to communicate. If you're a life long learner like I am, this card can be about your thirst for knowledge, and honing in on the ability to share (communicate) that knowledge with others.
Ironically enough, I've been called to write about (ehem, communicate) the Page of Swords for a few weeks now, even though it's not “in order.” My goal was to write about all 78 tarot cards, starting with the Major Arcana, in order. That has not worked out so far LOL I just write about the cards that pop up, as they pop up for me.
Well, the Page of Swords is in the Minor Arcana, but he keeps popping up so … let's do this thing!
I like to combine tarot with common sense and action steps. When I talk about what tarot cards mean in relation to your business, it's based on intuition and experience. What I really want is for you to learn how to trust and rely on your own intuition; my interpretations are merely a starting point.
Page of Swords Imagery
Earth and Air are the element associated with the Page of Swords, and this is reflected in the traditional imagery from the Rider-Waite deck. Pages are Earth, Swords are Air.
In the traditional imagery, a storm is brewing but the Page shows no fear: he is preparing for whatever is coming his way. The clouds in this card represent your mind's ability to consider ideas from all angles. The wind warns of a course changing quickly. The sword cuts through the confusion.
In the card on the right, from the Lightseer's deck, she is preparing as well. To me, it's more of an “I've got this” type vibe, because she's walking over the sword (basically a tightrope!) while holding onto her many ideas and reading a book. Still being interested in consuming knowledge while also having so many ideas is so powerful to me. The wind is blowing, but it's not stopping her.
In Guided Tarot by Stefani Caponi, I love what she says about the imagery of the Page:
The young Page of Swords stands with his sword raised, practicing for a battle that may arise. He wants to be prepared, feels excited and nervous, and appears to look around to see who is coming. Practicing how to wield his sword with intention builds his confidence, ensuring he will be ready to engage when the time is right.
Wow! How powerful is that message, especially when applied to our businesses!
Numerology and the Page of Swords
Pages are associated with the number 11, as the Page of Swords follows the Ten of Swords in the tarot deck.
The number 11 is one of the Master Numbers, holding a special significance due to its unique qualities and energies. It's one reason I chose $11/mo as my membership price. ๐
Spiritual Connection: Number 11 is often associated with a strong spiritual presence and a connection to higher spiritual truths and concepts. It represents a link to the Universe and the presence of a greater power.
Intuition and Insight: Known as the most intuitive of all numbers, the 11 signifies heightened intuition and insight. It embodies an ability to access subconscious knowledge and understanding without solely relying on rational thought.
Illumination and Sensitivity: The number 11 represents illumination and sensitivity, acting as a channel to your subconscious.
Amplification of Energies: As a Master Number, 11 amplifies meanings and energies, contributing to your sensitivity, wisdom, and spirituality.
As a single digit number, the Page of Swords is a 2 (1+1).
The Page of Swords is a YES card, according to most sources. However, I encourage you to write down your intuitive feeling about each of the 78 cards on your own before Googling (or listening to someone else) about what it means.
Simple: most people say this card is a “yes” but if you Google it, the first answer says it's a “no” – those are literal opposite answers!
Does it feel like a yes or a no card to you? It may depend on the situation, or the position in which it lands in a reading. That is why it's important to trust (and grow) your intuition.
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Upright Page of Swords Meaning
Pages are messengers. Sometimes I feel like one of the Pages while I'm writing these posts because I'm usually pulling from a collection of notes, journal entries, and book pages I've dog-eared (I know, I know)… passing along the message to you about what this card means to me. ๐
Messages are about communication, right? Communication is a big part of our daily lives, in a personal sense and when it comes to business.
When the Page of Swords pops up in a reading, it could mean that important news is coming your way, which may include a big change in your life! This may be a good change, or it may be a problem coming your way. The Page indicates intellectual energy – usually yours or the person you're reading about – in the situation. This means you're well-equipped to handle the challenges and problems logically instead of rushing to judgement.
While this card can represent a young person, it can also represent a message from your inner child. If you've struggled to speak up for yourself in the past, this is the nudge to do just that.
Learning to listen to my inner child was a next level intuition thing. So much of the trauma I've carried for decades was able to be released (the body keeps score – even if our minds protect us by “forgetting”) because I worked on traveling back in my mind and protecting myself as a child.
Now, I can accept messages from my inner child – wisdom I wouldn't otherwise have access to today.
When the Page of Swords pops up, take a moment to pause and really listen. What is the message? Who is the message from? Are you flailing with too many ideas, or are you saving them for later while working on the ONE you should be?
Remember, card meanings can mean slightly different things based on the other cards around them and how they show up in a reading. Don't just read a single card, unless it's a single card reading.
In my two favorite decks, the Page is depicted as female.
In the Modern Witch Tarot Deck:
The Page is full of wild energy and drive, she is relentless in her action and does not sit still for long. She never runs out of crazy things to do or say. As a true idealist, she can be a little exhausting in her youthful determination.
If the Page is you, dive headfirst into your wild schemes and plans, and find those who will support you in your crazy ideas.
I definitely relate to the Page of Swords and love that she's depicted as a woman in this deck, but I don't love that the author – twice – talks about “crazy” things/ideas.
As women, we are often told our ideas are crazy – when really, they're just bigger than what men (and the patriarchy) expect from us. They want us barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, not out here shattering glass ceilings.
The card definition in this deck struck me as odd since it's a deck that, generally speaking, has imagery that empowers women moreso than other decks. Words have power: don't call your ideas crazy and don't stick around anyone else who is calling them crazy, either.
It is also weird (to me) that the card is basically saying “go ahead and jump in without planning” when the Page of Swords is about intellectual energy and clear communication. Can't jump in with both feet without planning a little first. I mean, we can… but it usually works out best if we have our ideas mapped out at least a little. ๐
In the Lightseer's deck:
This Page has a thirst for knowledge that seems unquenchable. She's an incredibly quick-witted communicator, and she's often compelled to share her (many!) ideas or messages with others.
In the reversed (Shadow) position, the card warns against falling into gossip or even arrogance with your communication. In Shadow, this Page can be all talk and no action. Remain open to unexpected lessons, share truthfully, and delight in every interaction.
This meaning resonates with me so much more than the one from The Modern Witch deck, and the message of “crazy ideas” is conveyed much more respectfully. When I was journaling about the Page of Swords, I relied on the Lightseer's defintion as a base as it felt most aligned.
With that being said, this goes back to my message at the top of the post: the point here is to use your intuition… not necessarily other people's definitions, crazy tarot card myths, or any other noise. It's your journey.
What are the cards saying to you? You might not agree with the little books that come with your favorite decks. Ask yourself why, and dig deeper into the messaging (and your reasoning for feeling like it doesn't align).
Message from the cards: You have a million ideas, which is awesome! Instead of going off half-cocked with 100 of them, hone in on one that you can turn into your million dollar business. The Page of Swords is practicing before going into battle, much like we need to build a solid foundation in our business before launching our next project to the world.
Upright Keywords
- intellectual
- assertiveness
- enthusiastic, energetic
- fresh insights, new view on things
- eagerness to learn, curiosity
- good communication skills
- talkative, outspoken
Reversed Page of Swords Meaning
The reversed Page of Swords can represent feeling unproductive in your business. It can also warn of drama, trouble, and – just like the upright meaning – challenges.
The Page of Swords encourages solving problems with a unique approach, which includes expanding your perspective. It's important to use logic and reason to gain clarity on issues that come our way, and the Page of Swords is telling us to carefully think about – and fully understand – the challenge at hand before tackling it.
Remember, reversed tarot cards are not just indicators of challenges but also guides for reflection and improvement. By understanding these signals, you can take proactive steps to address the issues at hand.
From Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom:
What bgan as a feeling of “I'm above all that, I don't need to concern myself with it,” becomes an obsession with problems and a seeming inability to do anything about them. Such feelings of weakness are endemic to Swords; they require Wands for courage and optimism.
Most of the time if you understand the upright meaning of a card, you can flip it on its head and you've got the reversed meaning. Look at the imagery when the card is upright vs upside down. What changes? Is it a different vibe? Tap into your intuition on this.
Reversed Keywords
- gossip and half-truths
- defensiveness
- delayed projects
- poor communication
- all talk, no action
Past, Present, Future Meanings
When working with a past, present, future tarot spread, the meaning of the Page of Swords can tell us different things. My focus is business, entreprenuership, finances, and freedom. Many readers focus on love, or health, or a myriad of other topics – but I find most skip this one for some reason.
Past Position
In the past position, in relation to your business and online ventures, the Page of Swords tells us of a period where you were in the initial stages of business or financial planning. Gathering information, exploring new ideas, or starting a project with enthusiasm and a sharp mind, was all about laying the foundation for your current business path.
Present Position
In the present position, the Page of Swords represents a time for being alert, vigilant, and articulate in your financial dealings. Remember, communication is key.
This card says that you embody an inventive, productive, and well-qualified entrepreneurial spirit. It's a period where your mental acuity and strategic thinking are playing a crucial role in your business success. This is not the time to slack off or be lazy, or second guess yourself.
The Page of Swords in the present position can also suggest engaging in open dialogues and learning from interactions in the business realm. This period may involve lively discussions, negotiations, or brainstorming sessions. Don't jump into anything hastily; trust your intuition, but gather the facts.
Future Position
In the future position, the Page of Swords indicates that intellectual growth and clear communication will be important. This could be a time where your ability to think critically and speak your truth will be vital in navigating business challenges. Speak up during those business meetings!
The appearance of this card in a future position often represents encountering another individual with qualities of the Page of Swords. This could mean a forthcoming partnership or interaction with someone who embodies the cardโs characteristics of intellectual curiosity.
Continued learning and adaptation will be key to your business growth. Being open to new information and staying mentally agile will contribute significantly to your future success.
Page of Swords Card Combinations
When combining the Page of Swords with other cards, the message expands and becomes clearer, more specific.
Page of Swords + The Emperor: This combination suggests strategic planning and disciplined execution in business… a blend of youthful energy and mature leadership, ideal for your entrepreneurial ventures requiring both innovation and structure.
Page of Swords + The Fool: Setting out on new, innovative ventures with a sense of curiosity and openness. The Fool represents the beginning of a journey, often filled with optimism and a willingness to take risks. In a business context, this suggests the start of a new entrepreneurial endeavor or a fresh, unconventional approach to business challenges. The Page of Swords adds an element of intellectual curiosity and a desire to explore new ideas, making this combination favorable for startups, innovative projects, or businesses looking to break into new markets.
Page of Swords + The Chariot: Symbolizes the pursuit of business goals with determination and focus. A time to harness your intellectual abilities to drive your business or project forward, overcoming obstacles with clear communication and a strong will – aka are you determined enough to see it through?
Page of Swords + The Empress: Nurturing your business ideas with creativity and care. The Empress brings an energy of abundance and growth, indicating that your intellectual endeavors in business can flourish if tended to with patience and a touch of creativity.
Page of Swords + Seven of Cups: Manifestation. Plan your future and put the work in to achieve it. Your future self will thank you… trust me! ๐
Page of Swords + Ace of Pentacles: New financial opportunities that require careful analysis and thoughtful communication. It's a good time for you to explore new ventures or investments, using your intellect and strategic thinking.
Page of Swords + Ten of Pentacles: Represents long-term financial planning and the pursuit of wealth through intellectual endeavors. This combination is excellent for you if you're focusing on building a lasting legacy.
Page of Swords + King of Pentacles: Combines intellectual curiosity with financial acumen. This pairing suggests using your communication skills and analytical mind to make wise financial decisions, leading to wealth and business success.
Page of Swords + The High Priestess: Represents the union of intellectual curiosity with intuitive insights in a business context. This combination suggests that you should trust your instincts and use your intuition to guide your decisions.
Questions for Your Tarot Journal
How do I adapt to challenges and changes in a positive way?
How can my inquisitive nature help me trust my intuition more?
How does my intuitive understanding enhance my ability to communicate clearly?
What message does the Page of Swords have for me right now?
Which skills did I learn at an early age that can be helpful on my current journey, that I'm not tapping into enough?
Before You Go: