There are many myths that circle the mystical world of divination, but do they hold any weight? Let's dive into the most popular tarot myths, so you can get back to reading your cards! 😉
Myth #1: You can't buy your own deck.
This is the myth that drives me the craziest. As someone who was raised in a Christian cult, do you know how old I would've been before someone bought me my own deck of tarot cards?
If you wait around for someone else to buy you a deck, it's a little awkward. Are you just walking around, hinting about it all day? How do they know which deck you want? If you are asking them to buy the cards for you, and you tell them which deck you want, how is that different than buying your own?
This myth is so weird. Buy all the freakin' tarot card decks (and books!) you want. Look at this list of my favorite tarot card decks and books if you want some inspiration.
Myth #2: You shouldn't let anyone touch your tarot cards.
Allowing someone to touch your cards is 100% a personal decision. If you are comfortable with someone else using your cards, looking through them, etc… let them. If you aren't, don't.
Just like with most things in life, this is a personal decision and it's up to you to set a boundary if you don't want someone touching your belongings.
Myth #3: You shouldn't buy used decks because they carry negative energy.
While tarot cards (and everything in life) can carry positive or negative energy, it's simple to cleanse cards before you use them. In fact, I recommend it.
I've purchased many decks from thrift stores, used book stores, etc and they've all been chosen the same way I choose new decks: I'm drawn to their energy, or imagery, or both.
If you feel connected to a deck, it's asking to go home with you! 🙂 Don't let a myth scare you off from it, just take them home and cleanse as usual.
Learn how to clear and cleanse your space from my friend, Kristen.
Myth #4: You can't be Christian and read tarot cards.
I'm a recovering Christian so my word may not hold a whole lot of weight if you're currently a Christian, but tarot and oracle cards can actually be used alongside your religious rituals, or separate from them… whatever feels aligned for you.
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Manifest during the Full Wolf Moon with me (January 2024)!
If there is a god, and they are all powerful and all knowing, do you really think they're going to send you to Hell for using cards for guidance in leveling up your life? If they would, maybe it's time to reevaluate who you're listening to for guidance. Just a thought…
Myth #5: Tarot is evil.
If you think Tarot cards are evil, I guess Poker cards open up the gates straight to Hell, eh? I mean, think about it: you use Tarot for guidance and to improve your life, to learn more about yourself, etc, right?
Poker cards are used for gambling, sometimes associated with lying, stealing, cheating… which one seems worse to you, in the grand scheme of things?
Poker cards aren't evil, either. But seriously… don't trust someone who puts the label of “evil” on literal piecs of cardstock. What the heck?
Myth #6: Tarot predicts your future.
While tarot can give you a glimpse of what's to come, it's all about guiding you – not predicting your exact future.
If you ask your cards a question and get a “no” does that mean it can never ever happen? No. It could mean it's unlikely to happen, or that you should work so it doesn't happen, or a handful of other things… but the answers the cards give you are never set in stone.
And, they're open to interpretation. Be careful that you aren't projecting your own feelings and emotions onto the cards and misreading or misunderstanding what they're trying to say!
Myth #7: You have to memorize all the tarot card meanings.
Some people will tell you that if you don't have all traditional tarot card meanings memorized, you shouldn't read cards for other people. That simply isn't true.
Many amazing tarot card readers rely on both their intuition and the little guidebook that comes with their favorite deck!
Before You Go:

Where can you buy that devil card
It’s artwork I designed with Midjourney. 🙂 Not for sale but you can use it if you want.